The winners of the inaugural photograph competition “Greetings from Glorious Gloucester” have been announced. The digital competition, run by the Visitor Information Centre, was created to celebrate the launch of the new tourism website for Gloucester. There were 142 entries which were formatted into electronic postcards that showcased Gloucester as a wonderful place to visit and to live.
Tourism Manager Wendy Hughes was thrilled with the number and quality of entries received. “We hoped the postcard competition would bring out the photographic talent that is so often unseen and unappreciated. We wanted Gloucester to be represented in full glorious colour and we were rewarded with photos that were extraordinary, fun, quirky, beautiful and most of all inspiring.”
“The judging criteria looked at the composition of the photo and its subject matter. We were looking for interesting entries that spoke about Gloucester in a meaningful way. Most of all, to be glorious they had to have a certain soul to them. We were delighted to have some trouble settling on the winners in such a strong field of entrants. In addition, the People’s Choice Award was a popular component of the competition which attracted 1092 votes. Gloucester is indeed a lucky town filled with photographic talent.”
The winner in the over 18 years category was Bradley Buckley’s view of Gloucester as a string of fairy lights in a valley full of dawn mist. The winner of the under 18 years category was Hayley Johns’ view of the mosaic-encrusted platypus in Billabong Park. Anne Webeck won the People’s Choice Award with 100 votes. The winners receive cash prizes for their efforts and all the entries may be used in future marketing of Gloucester. The winning postcards can be viewed on the Facebook page of Events Gloucester and the website for Visit Gloucester.
Over 18 years
1st Bradley Buckley – Gloucester town lights in a sea of mist at dawn
2nd Scott McAdam – Platypus in a stream near Gloucester
3rd Lesley Goroncy – Afternoon sunlight on the Bucketts from the Barrington River valley near Gloucester
Under 18 years
1st Hayley Johns – Platypus mosaic in Billabong Park Gloucester
2nd Klara Gardiner – Cattle whisperer near Gloucester
3rd Klara Gardiner – How I feel about living in Gloucester
People’s Choice
• Winner (100 votes) – Anne Webeck: The Rock in Barrington Tops
• 2nd place (61 votes) – Katrina Dangerfield: The Rainbow of Happiness really does finish in Gloucester
• 3rd place (48 votes) – Katrina Dangerfield: A molten lava sunset at Gloucester
Special Mentions for creativity
• Noel Munro – Piano player at Gloucester recycling and landfill facility
• Annemie Pelletier – Caterpillar with a Gloucester view
• Shayne Gardiner – Jumping for joy at the sunset sky in Gloucester
Judging criteria
• Unique to Gloucester or speaks about Gloucester in a meaningful way.
• Composition of photo.
• Interesting subject with a timeless nature
• Be “glorious” ie. have soul