Summertime camping is just magic when there’s flowing water nearby for swimming, paddling, fishing or just floating around on a lilo. Even the sound of the river will help wash away the stress of your busy year. There are plenty of riverside camping options around Gloucester and Barrington Tops, in fact there’s space for over 6,000 campers per night: some free, some cheap, some with luxe facilities, some great for kids or dogs.
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#TopThingsToDoGloucester #BarringtonTops #GloucesterNewSouthWales
- HOW: You’ll find exceptional riverside campgrounds in Gloucester & nearby locations, also in national parks, state forest & reserves… all via Gloucester, New South Wales.
- COST: Fees apply for most campgrounds including NPWS campgrounds.
- CONTACT: Pick up a free map at Gloucester Visitor Information Centre at 27 Denison St. Call 6538 5252 or visit