To celebrate the launch of our new website, we’re giving photographers the chance to win some great cash prizes and have their talents showcased online with our Greetings from Glorious Gloucester postcards!
Vote for the People’s Choice Award
Click here to see the photo entries so far and vote for the People’s Choice Award (and yes, you can vote for as many of these fabulous postcards as you like!)
About the competition
Download the Photo Competition details or read on…
Download the Photo Competition poster
Gloucester is a lucky town in so many ways. We sit within a scenic rural valley in a region blessed with stunning views at every turn, especially in World Heritage Barrington Tops. So whether you’re an experienced photographer or just a beginner, we invite you to participate in this brand new photo competition for Gloucester New South Wales!
The prize pool is $1000 and entrants have the chance to win some great cash prizes and have their best entries published online. Plus the photographs may be used in future marketing by the Gloucester Visitor Information Centre to promote Gloucester as an attractive destination for visitors and future residents. This may include printed versions of the postcards for promotional purposes.
Entries are now open and the competition closes Sunday 28 June 2015. So get clicking now while the town and the region is still so green and inviting!
What should be in the photographs?
Simple: show us what you think makes Gloucester such a wonderful place to live in and to visit.
But don’t think we only want scenery. This town has lots of fun and interesting things to do and enjoy, so don’t forget to include people having a good time in your photos. Need some inspiration? Then check out the Welcome to Gloucester flyer for a wealth of ideas for your photos.
The total prize pool is $1000 cash. There are 3 prizes in each age category plus one overall People’s Choice award.
The age categories are: a) under 18 years; b) 18 years and over.
Cash prizes are as follows:
• 1st prize $200; 2nd prize $100, 3rd prize $50
• People’s Choice $300
Winning one of the age category prizes does not exclude you from the People’s Choice award, so you could win up to $500 for your efforts!
How to enter
You can take new photos to submit or you can submit any of your existing work. This is handy if you have some great photos of recent events, activities or experiences that you would like to enter into the competition.
All entries submitted may be used for the tourism marketing of Gloucester by the Gloucester Visitor Information Centre. By submitting an entry, you give us permission to use your photos for our tourism marketing, for zero fee.
Email your photos in jpg format to [email protected]. Please keep each file size to a maximum of approximately 2mb and kindly note that your email may be automatically rejected by our mail server if the email size is bigger than 10mb. On your email, please include your full name, address, contact phone number and age. (And if you just wish to say “Over 18” then that’s fine with us!) If you prefer, drop your entries into the VIC on a memory stick or CD. You can collect the stick/CD later, after it’s been scanned for viruses and the photos downloaded.
Judging and other conditions
Photographs submitted will be judged for their ability to be transformed into an attractive online postcard with the heading “Greetings from Glorious Gloucester”. The judges are the staff of the Gloucester Visitor Information Centre who may also ask for opinions from the volunteers who work at the VIC. The best photos will be published on the Visit Gloucester website and on the Facebook page of Events Gloucester.
In determining the winners, consideration will be given to how appealing the postcards look to visitors and residents. The number of Facebook shares and Facebook comments may also be taken into consideration. For the People’s Choice Award, voting will be online plus by any votes lodged at the Visitor Information Centre by non-users of Facebook. The judge’s decisions are final and no correspondence will be entered into. The prize cheques can only be collected from the Visitor Information Centre. There is no element of chance in this competition.
This photo competition is authorised & operated by the Gloucester Visitor Information Centre, 27 Denison Street, Gloucester New South Wales.
Tel. 02 6538 5252