If you only have half a day then this offers you a taste of world heritage wilderness at Gloucester Tops National Park. This is the easternmost section of Barrington Tops and is the closest part of this stunning wilderness to Gloucester so it’s a quick and easy half-day trip.
Download the brochure here.
Use this URL to see the map online: https://goo.gl/maps/c7niuMo3oTr
This drive is 115km return and will take about 4 hours at a leisurely pace with stopping along the way. One third of the road is gravel so please drive cautiously, especially at the many river crossings that make this drive so scenic. Ensure you take your own water, a picnic lunch and warm clothes as the national park here is 1300m above sea level so it can easily get chilly under the magnificent trees.
(NB. This route may be unsuitable in times of high river levels, check with the Visitor Information Centre.)
- Length: 115km (approx 1/3rd unsealed gravel roads)
- Start: Visitor Information Centre at 27 Denison Street.
- End: Gloucester township.
- Featuring: Gloucester River valley, Gloucester Tops, Barrington Tops National Park, Andrew Laurie Lookout, Gloucester Falls, Gloucester River, Faulkland and multiple river crossings on concrete causeways (caution advised).